Laurar's Hub

Hello there. My name is Laurar (formerly known online as CaptainQuirk26). I do actually use the name "Laura" in real life, however, it is not my legal name as I am transgender. I made this website so that I had a website to link all my socials together, as well as to publish and distribute any projects I complete (also I want a Wikipedia page but it needs sources for shit so this is fairly reliable). My goal in life is to do something that makes people happy on a scale wide enough that I have absolutely no clue who is actually affected. This goal is a direct result of my predominant worldview, which can be defined as existentialism bordering on nihilism. The long (but more easily understandable) explanation is that I believe that life has no meaning beyond our own actions and that there is no point in doing anything that will not create a lasting effect. Therefore my largest priorities lie in impressing a positive memory of myself onto as many people as I can, and hopefully be remembered by history itself so as to prevent my memory from dying within just a few generations (because simply put, your grandparents can tell you about someone but you ain't gonna pass along the knowledge of someone who died before you were even born).


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